Trading Log Of A Losing Week In IQ Option With Alligator Strategy

A Losing Week In IQ Option With Alligator Indicator Strategy
A Losing Week In IQ Option With Alligator Indicator Strategy

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This article records the transaction process using the Alligator indicator strategy from June 8, 2020 to June 9, 2020.

Once you step into the financial market and take it as a serious money-making channel, it is normal to fail sometimes when it comes to trading. But the bravery of a professional trader lets them know that they must accept it as an inevitable part. Do not regret, blame, or fear on every single order you have accepted risks to seek profit.

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Video on depositing, trading, and withdrawing with the Alligator strategy

Accept defeat

If someone says they have never failed in trading, that they always win, let me laugh a little at the fraud of the scammer who has never traded. Most traders who earn money will have more winning orders than losing ones.

However, there are still losing orders that exist in parallel with winning ones. And successful people have never blamed or complained about their failure. Because once you are a trader, facing risks is inevitable. You have to accept it.

Accept and manage risks effectively
Accept and manage risks effectively

Try to limit the risk to the lowest level for all orders. Do not sit there criticizing yourself negatively because you can’t do it in another way.

Perseverance in achieving success

If you do not accept failure, then make it better for yourself. Do not plunge into cursing, revenging, and losing your temper. It makes the situation worse in an irreversible way. Think that, today, the market has thrown us down, the next day we will prepare a better plan.

Perseverance in achieving success
Perseverance in achieving success

Stay calm before everything because the trader path is not one day or one month. It is built up by years, by the whole heart in the long run. Ultimately, the winner is who knows how to take a risk and allow it to exist under control.

Fear is greater than greed

Scientists who analyze market sentiment often rate fear three times as big as greed. So the downtrend is clearly stronger than the uptrend. You will feel safer when opening LOWER orders if you know that. And you would see in the following opened orders, I only opened LOWER orders.

Fear is greater than greed
Fear is greater than greed

Trading log with Alligator strategy in IQ Option on June 8, 2020, and June 9, 2020

Method of capital management: Classic.

Open LOWER orders when the Alligator indicator heads down and the price hits the resistance.

All transactions with Alligator strategy in IQ Option from June 8, 2020 to June 9, 2020
All transactions with Alligator strategy in IQ Option from June 8, 2020 to June 9, 2020

Use Alligator strategy on June 8, 2020

The assets of USD/JPY

Entry points with USD/JPY asset pairs on June 8
Entry points with USD/JPY asset pairs on June 8

1st order: Downtrend + the price returned and tested the resistance. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 15 minutes.

2nd order: Downtrend + the price tested the level with a Gravestone Doji candlestick. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 15 minutes.

3rd order: Downtrend + the price tested the resistance. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 15 minutes.

Date June 9, 2020

The assets of USD/JPY

Entry points with Alligator strategy on June 9
Entry points with Alligator strategy on June 9

4th order: Downtrend + the price tested the resistance with a Shooting Star candlestick. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 25 minutes.

The assets of EUR/USD

Entry points with Alligator strategy on June 9
Entry points with Alligator strategy on June 9

5th order: downtrend + the price tested the resistance with a Doji candlestick. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 15 minutes.

6th order: downtrend + the price tested the resistance the second time. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 25 minutes.

7th order: downtrend + the price hit the resistance the third time with a Doji candlestick. Opened a LOWER order with an expiration time of 25 minutes.

In conclusion

It was a bad trading week without achieving the target of making a profit from IQ Option. But that didn’t make me uncomfortable because I accepted the loss. And from there, I draw upon valuable experiences when encountering similar situations.

One thing you have to understand is that this is a probability game. If the winning rate is high, it does not mean that you will always win. There are still risks lying within. So do not break the rules when trading. Choose a long-term sustainable development strategy. Do not rush and lose your trading advantages.

Come back to me next week to make a profit from IQ Option. I have a firm belief. It makes me never give up on the chosen path. And so you are. There are always tutorials on effective trading strategies here. Choose a trading strategy for yourself to take it as a profit-making tool.

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